A Flight To CWA For Lunch April 21, 1989 

 Vicki, Amy's friend and Amy waiting for lunch to arrive at the Central Wisconsin Airport Terminal Restuarant.

Amy's friend, Vicki and Amy downstairs posing in the Central Airport Terminal after lunch.

Amy's friend, Vicki and Amy posing with airplane on the ramp in front of Central Wisconsin Aviation.

One more close up picture before flying back to Merrill.

On the way back from CWA, Vicki in the back seat.

Vicki is so Ccooooooooool with these shades..

Amy in the back seat on the way to CWA, if I remember correctly..

Amy's friend, never was introduced, so I don't his name.

Penny came out for a ride after we got from CWA.

Vicki glamour posing in front of someone's Cessna.

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