4th and Arch streets.MBy 1833 Betsy was completely blind0002January 30, 1836.41JPG   http://www.betsyrosshouse.org/


 "Betty Ross House Sign"

 Looks like they were doing a TV or Movie remote with this boom camera apparatus.

"Betsy Ross House" at 239 Arch St. was built in 1740, home of America's most famous flag maker.

Two words for describing this picture, with the Betsy Ross House as a background.  Brittany and Slimfast.


Main iron gated entrance to the "Christ Church Burial Ground".  Note the blacksmith sign work above the gate. 

The entrance sign to the Christ Church Burial Ground.


  "Benjamin's Franklin' Tombstone".  You are not allowed inside the gate.  I took this picture sticking the camera through the gate.

Looking at Ben Franklin's tombstone with all those pennies on top.  His old adage was; "A penny saved is a penny earned".  Talk about "coining a phrase", literally.

Quite the list of achievements in one lifetime.

Another picture of Ben Franklin's his lifetime summary of accomplishments.

History of the Christ Burial ground.

  Closer view.

  They have these "Guide Signs" to assist you in finding the various attractions.  30 stars for Wisconsin.


Are you short of cash? If so, stop by here at the "United States Mint", located at 151 N. Independence Mall East and have them print you some money.  They give tours here, but you can not take pictures.   Philly Mint

Going by Jefferson University Hospital, something not named Ben Franklin, but for #3 TJ,  while looking for that ice cream place.

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