Back touring the streets of Washington DC.  

Making a turn at the Botanical Gardens and Capitol.


There's a story about this corner but I can not remember it right now.  

You can see the long lines waiting to tour the Capitol building.  

This only the line before going through the security check-point.   There is a very long going up the hill to the building.  

 You can see how they got the name, "Capitol Hill".  

You can see the long tour line on the inside of the grounds perimeter. 

In front of the Capitol looking west over the mall towards the Washington Monument.

"Ulysses S. Grant" at Civil War Monument.

  Looking east at "Capitol Hill".  

 Looking east at "Capitol Hill" and holding the camera almost level in this one, but not quite.

Looks like some landscaping going on in the west lawn.

There's about these trees, can't think of it right now.  

  There's about these trees, can't think of it right now.  

   Making our way to Union Station after going by the Senate Office Buildings.

   Good close up view of The Centurion Statues at Union Station.

Good close up profile view of The Centurion Statues at Union Station.

Walking to Independence Ave, and the Smithsonian Buildings.

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